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10 Things to Do to Avoid Ragweed Allergy

Living with ragweed allergies can be highly irksome. Constant sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose—these symptoms aren’t just uncomfortable. They can impact your day-to-day activities, affect your work/studies, and cause other troubles like insomnia. Seeking the proper

July 26 2024

Can Allergies Cause Ear Pain?

Have you ever experienced ear pain and thought it could be linked ..

July 23

Why Do Allergies Worsen at Night?

Allergies can be incredibly frustrating and disruptive, particularly when symptoms worsen at ..

July 23

Severe Ragweed Allergy Symptoms

As an Austin resident, you must know that ragweed season in Austin ..

July 23

How Long Do Grass Allergies Last

Grass allergies cause significant seasonal discomfort for many people. At Frontier Allergy, ..

April 12

Grass Allergy Foods to Avoid

As spring and summer arrive, so does grass pollen season, which can ..

April 12

What Foods Should You Avoid If You Have an Egg Allergy?

An Insight into Egg Allergy Egg allergy is one of the most ..

April 11

Can Allergies Cause Asthma

At Frontier Allergist, we often encounter questions about the relationship between allergies ..

April 11

Grass Allergy

Are you itchy and sneezy lately? Grass can be an issue all ..

January 11

How to Avoid Cedar Fever?

If it isn't the cold but the constant sneezing and itchy eyes ..

January 11

Here’s Everything You Should Know About Oak Allergy 

Can oak pollen trigger vision-related problems? Besides pollen, which other substances can ..

December 29

Exploring the Mystery of Alpha-Gal: When Ticks Turn Meat into an Allergen

In a world where culinary discoveries frequently offer delight and satisfaction, what ..

December 29

Cedar Allergy Symptoms

South and Central Texas residents experience the annual onset of Cedar Fever ..

December 28